Why AlineHRMS

About Us

Aline HRMS aims to streamline HR processes using technological advancements that create a system that is flexible and agile to meet the challenges and complexity of an ever-changing workplace.

Having successfully achieved time savings and tremendously improved work efficiency for our client companies with our biometric systems support, a compelling opportunity was presented to our team to further scale our services and value add to our clients in more transformative and meaningful ways. We forged ahead with our clients amidst market hypercompetition by developing our very own comprehensive HRMS solution. We envisaged a seamless platform where employers and employees are able to work productively and engage more interactively by removing the manual paperwork and tedious logistics of managing attendance, leave, payroll, training and performance appraisals.


our vision

Aline envisioned the potential of HR automation powered by cloud computing and was inspired to re-invent HRMS with simple-to-implement, cost-efficient and up-to-date relevant features that reflect the latest practices of HRM via a single software platform. It aims to achieve HR-on-the-go with configurable features that are multi-channel, accessible on mobile, simple to use and holistic. 

While businesses are accustomed to the speed of the market, and HRMS vendors aim to keep up with change or even be ahead of the curve, Aline recognises the importance of forging a long-term relationship with every client and also staying true to their heritage.  

Aline will evolve with the times, but in ways which continue to foster trust and that feel authentic.  

our mission

In this cut-throat hyper-competitive market, it is practically impossible to manually manage all documentation, identity proofs, leave records, overtime schedules and payment details of your employees. A slight error in these records can cause considerable harm to your company’s reputation, functioning and framework. Your business needs a stern mechanism that is powerful and robust in managing all your core functions in Human Resource Management. 

In Aline, there is a careful balance between personalisation and inclusiveness. While there is a product solution for every task in HRMS, Aline is able to configure the right mix of features personalised to every business need. Your HRMS should never be a one-size-fits-all software, instead, it is one that listens, understands and learns your needs. 

Aligning your enterprise goals with the latest advancements that Aline HRMS offers is the secret to unlocking strategic advantage for your business. 

HRMS plays a crucial role in the digital transformation of every enterprise as it owns the functions of employee engagement and workforce onboarding and development. Aligning the core values of agility, forward-looking and authenticity with technology, Aline HRMS can accelerate your business transformation towards Smart-working. 

our team

At Aline, we know how hectic performance tracking processes can be. To name a few, recruiting the right fit of candidates, onboarding and updating of database, and managing payrolls, appraisals and staff benefits are some core HR processes that can no longer be left to manual systems of record-keeping and monitoring. In this time of intense market rivalry, response time is key. Our team at Aline shares your belief that having real-time access to vital information is your best leverage and competitive edge to making critical business decisions. 


We believe that inventiveness can be matched with consistency. As we value every client’s self-expression and share every company’s beliefs, it is one of our core values to cultivate openness in our interactions so that fresh ideas can germinate and be incorporated into value-adding and personalised features of our product offerings.  

We practise continuous development and continuous integration at every workflow and will never stop at being ‘good enough’. Our team explores ways to make meaningful improvements to the finest detail possible that makes a difference to our clients’ work processes.